The Laws of Health Empowerment SummitTM is a signature event that engages the community to experience what it means to be a Reformer. Vendors are carefully screened and selected to ensure that the Reformers message is not blurred in any way.

It's more than your average health fair and everyone who attends walks away with knowledge and the empowerment to take back control of their health, the Reformers Way!


Sawgrass Adventist School Gym

11701 NW 4th St, Plantation, FL 33325

View our gallery and video of our past events. If you want to have the Law of Health Empowerment SummitTM at your church, school, or business then be sure to send us an email to collaborate and lets travel all over the world spreading the 8 laws of health.

Mayoral Proclamation

Mind Body Spirit, Reformers LLC made history on  September 9, 2015 when Miss B's vision of hosting the 8 Laws of Health Empowerment Summit ™ received a Mayoral Proclamation for moving the city forward in Health!

Miami Gardens, Florida

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