Stress is the SILENT KILLER. We live in a world where we are bombarded by deadlines, relationship drama, workplace pettiness, social media and trying to find the balance to even sit down and eat. If stress is not managed or addressed then what is the use in eating right, exercising, being kind to others if one day you will drop down from a massive heart attack that could have been prevented if you practiced deep breathing and letting it go? Okay so maybe not that simple but take a look at all the things stress causes:


  1. Elevated cortisol levels in the blood
  2. Sleep deprivation, insomnia and lack of sleep
  3. Increased risk for coronary artery disease
  4. Mental decline
  5. Fear increases
  6. Breathing difficulties
  7. Weakened muscular system including the muscles in our internal organs
  8. Effects cholesterol levels which in turn affect our hormones since you need cholesterol to make hormones
  9. Digestive issues
  10. Loss of sexual desire/interest


Stress is a normal reaction and we need it for survival, however when our bodies are in stress for a sustained amount of time (which most of us are) then that's when we risk becoming ill or dying from it.

Miami Gardens, Florida

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